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The Ideal Gay Couple

Proof that some people believe that Jonathan and David were gay lovers.

Carl Jung wrote in Memories, Dreams, Reflections << Every therapist ought to have a control by some third person, so that he remains open to another point of view. Even the pope has a confessor. I always advise analysts: “Have a father confessor, or a mother confessor!” >>

Gilgamesh and Enkidu were destroyed when they rejected Inanna.

David and Jonathan??? did their love relationship survive because they integrated a woman? But of course! David had many wives.

difficult work in progress[edit]

An example of how unhelpful it is to me.

The Institute for Uranian Psychoanalysis is complicated by the fact that its name has shifted repeatedly over time. Here's the main crew, can't say who else was involved.

A Completely Naive and Innocent Question[edit]

Pardon me but does anyone know Elon Musk's sexual orientation?

I am unsure anyone has reported on it.
His ten children might be a clue?
Gay and bisexual men are quite capable of fathering children too. However, I generally don't see why we're discussing this question at all. If there are no WP:RS that cover the topic, speculation brings nothing to the article and risks breaking
I think most people tend to assume that men who openly have relationships with multiple female partners, which result in the birth of many children, are heterosexual. That seems to be a default assumption in most developed Western societies? But I fully agree that, unless Musk himself has reported anything to the contrary, this is simply an unspoken assumption that need not be explicitly reported in this article. I don't think this is a discriminatory or intolerant attitude.
He has only ever had wives, a few of them, and girlfriends.
Your position that everyone is heterosexual unless otherwise specified is not only wrong, it is harmful. While the majority of people may be heterosexual, you are defining heterosexuality as "normal" and anything else is therefore "abnormal". If we had a category for "heterosexual", would you add it to every biography that didn't have any other sexuality category? If you don't know Elon Musk's sexuality (and you don't), you should not assume that he is heterosexual.
I'm not saying that heterosexuality is "normal". I'm saying that most people will assume that men who have wives and children are heterosexual. As you say, we don't have a category for "heterosexual" (is that also harmful?) So how do we show that we're not making "harmful assumptions" about Musk?
You should probably stop assuming that you know what "most people will assume". You are only speaking for yourself.
I may be only speculating for myself. But I still don't see how any change to the article is required. Do you?
The article does not need to be changed because there is nothing to say about Musk's sexual identity. That's not the same as your assumption that he must be heterosexual and apparent belief that this doesn't not need to be specified because it will be assumed. Can you see the difference?
I think his "sexual identity" is at least partially suggested by his numerous progeny. But I'm not assuming that he "must be heterosexual", I'm just making an unjustified assumption about what readers in general might assume. Can you see the difference?